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The QMS and UCF Engineering Team Alliance
November 10, 2017 by Jeffrey Cox | News

The University of Central Florida Engineering Department is recognized as an internationally acclaimed school developing some of today’s most revolutionary technologies.
Quality Manufacturing Services has enjoyed a professional association for more than fifteen years. In 2002, Dr. Samuel Richie (PhDEE, MSEE, BSEE) contacted QMS, searching for a local Electronics Manufacturing Services provider to assist with his seniors’ student projects. The UCF Engineering School experiences prolific growth every successive year and while QMS assisted in maybe one to three projects during our initial relationship, QMS now exceeds assisting in more than twenty-five projects a semester. This service has been rendered gratis with a couple of large project exceptions exceeding forty labor hours.
The QMS team invests a substantial immersion into each UCF student’s project. Our professionals interact with several team members, providing experiential guidance concerning layout, troubleshooting, and test optimization. When possible, UCF students are also provided with facility tours to witness and experience the many processes, capital equipment, and skills necessary in the printed circuit board assembly process.
The benefits and QMS satisfaction are immeasurable – witnessing these young minds’ first exposure to real world manufacturing and assisting their initial design efforts. QMS employees also gain an intrinsic reward through recognizing the students’ fresh perspectives and the collective excitement from seeing their plans become reality. Senior company leadership serves as account managers for each student project, personally assisting from initiation to completion.
QMS encourages other EMS providers located near colleges with strong engineering departments or technical institutions to advance community involvement and bolster the success of these future engineers. Helping to expose these fresh perspectives into our world of electronics assembly offers lessons and dividends far beyond those available in a classroom.
QMS is excited to share that one UCF graduate continued his relationship beyond graduation and now that he is employed in a new career, he has brought his current employer’s EMS needs back to QMS. Our excitement and ongoing alliance with the UCF School of Engineering continues and we wish only the very best successful future to all of the graduating students!
Jeffrey Cox
Quality Manufacturing Services, Inc.

Jeffrey Cox
Jeffrey has more than 22 years of electronics contract manufacturing experience and currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Quality Manufacturing Services, Inc. Receiving a BS and MBA in Business Management from the University of Phoenix, he remains dedicated to Quality Manufacturing Services, Inc.’s corporate and ESOP success. His knowledge and vision reinforce an intense focus towards continuous improvement and maximum quality manufacturing excellence.