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QMS manufactures drone and UAV systems for multiple private and governmental applications.

For now and the forseeable future, drones and other Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become a way of life. These devices encompass many different industries and applications including aerial topography, geologic surveying, arts and entertainment, military, surveillance, athletics, and the list of uses grow daily. UAVs allow a visualization and perspective that even if previously possible, would have been economically prohibitive.

Systems have significantly advanced from the early basic control motors to sophisticated, multi-million dollar platforms demanding only the highest quality and reliability performance. When used to monitor events that only occur once, UAV approaches must work every time and on time.

QMS manufactures drone and UAV systems for multiple private and governmental applications. Test and development has already progressed through independent distributors such as Amazon and more established organizations such as Federal Express and UPS to delivery parcels via drone. Like other transportation systems supported by QMS manufactured product, dependability remains a primary key attribute of performance.

As the need and diversity of UAV applications continue developing, companies will also increase reliance upon the unparalleled quality and delivery performance of QMS.